Accommodating your needs
Any qualified student with a disability requesting reasonable accommodations at ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë will need to:
Provide a letter (written by the student) requesting accommodation. The request must include the name of the handicap or disability and a statement concerning how the handicap or disability affects your academic performance. The request must also include the specific accommodations requested.
Present formal documentation of your disability; or make the necessary arrangements to have your documentation mailed, faxed or hand-delivered to the director of disability services in the Student Success Center.
Director of Disability Services
PO Box 118087
Charleston, SC 29423-8087
Special Needs Accommodations
Each student’s documentation will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Following these guidelines will ensure proper consideration of each student’s individual situation in the most timely manner.
In accordance with sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and The Americans with Disabilities Act, ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for disabled students who are otherwise qualified to pursue college level work.
To request accommodations, students must submit the following information to: Director of Disability Services, ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë, PO Box 118087, Charleston, SC 29423-8087.
ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë is interested in each student reaching his/her academic potential. For this reason, all documentation and requests for accommodations are evaluated, and reasonable accommodations are provided based on an individual student’s need. Also, all documentation is reviewed by the director of disability services and is considered confidential. The student must provide a request in writing if he/she would like the documentation to be shared with other faculty or staff members at ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë.
- All Students
A written request for accommodation by the student is required. The student’s request must include the name of the handicap or disability and a statement concerning how the handicap or disability affects his/her academic performance. The request must also include the specific accommodations being requested.
Students are responsible for making their disability known and for providing the appropriate documentation, as required. All forms of documentation are considered confidential and are subject to review by the director of disability services. The university may recommend or require additional testing to further define the accommodations.
- Students with Learning Disabilities
A current psycho-educational evaluation is required. The evaluation must be completed by a psychologist who is licensed by a state board of examiners in psychology or certified by the state department of education in psychology. The psychologist must provide his or her license or certificate number in the report.
- Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
A current medical evaluation and a current psycho-educational evaluation are required.
- Students with a Physical Handicap, Neurological Handicap or Emotional Handicap
A current medical evaluation completed by a licensed physician is required. In the case of a mental disorder, a current evaluation by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist is required in addition to the medical evaluation.
Instructions for Diagnosticians, School Psychologists and other professionals:
Your diagnosis of disability should be clearly stated. DSM-IV Diagnostic notation or ICD-9 nomenclature should be included in the report.
Each diagnosis should be accompanied by supporting testing or studies. Documentation of ADD/ADHD should be within the past 3 years.
Learning Disability assessment reports MUST include:
- An IQ Test and an Achievement Test, both administered at the adult learning level.
- WAIS-R (in lieu of a WAIS-R, two WISC-III tests that are correlated within 15 IQ points of each other may be acceptable).
- Woodcock Johnson or Woodcock Johnson-R (The WRAT-R and the WRAT-III are not comprehensive measures of achievement and therefore are NOT appropriate for documentation).
- Exact instruments used, test results (including subtest score data), written interpretation of the results, name, title and professional credentials of the evaluator and the dates of testing.
- Clear and specific evidence which identifies specific learning disabilities and reflects the individual’s present level of adult functioning in processing and intelligence, as well as achievement.
Please note: IEPs or ITPs and 504 Plans do not meet documentation requirements but may be included as part of a more comprehensive assessment battery as described in this document. Additionally, individual learning styles, learning differences and academic problems in and of themselves do not constitute a learning disability.